CelebTribe.com respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects the same from its users. We adhere to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and provide a process for addressing claims of copyright infringement on our platform.

If you believe that any content on CelebTribe.com infringes upon your copyright, kindly submit a written notification that contains the following details:

  1. A physical or electronic signature of either the copyright owner or a representative authorized to act on their behalf.
  2. Clear identification of the copyrighted material alleged to be infringed.
  3. Specific information about the infringing content, such as URLs or other relevant details helps us locate the material.
  4. Contact information, which should include your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  5. A statement affirming your good faith belief that the use of the material in question is not authorized by the copyright holder, their agent, or the law.
  6. A statement confirming the accuracy of the information in your notice and verifying that you are either the copyright owner or an authorized representative.
  7. We assure you that if any copyrighted material, such as content, pictures, or videos, is found on our website, we will promptly remove it.

Responding to Counter-Notifications

Should you believe that your content was wrongly removed or access was unjustly disabled, you have the option to send us a counter-notification. Your counter-notification should encompass the following elements:

  1. Your physical or electronic signature.
  2. Identification of the material that was removed or restricted and the place where it was originally available.
  3. A statement, under penalty of perjury, expressing your genuine belief that the material was taken down or restricted due to a misunderstanding or misidentification.
  4. Your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  5. A declaration that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in your area and acknowledge that you will accept service of process from the individual who initially reported the alleged copyright infringement.

U.S. News Reporting Policy Act

CelebTribe.com operates in compliance with the U.S. News Reporting Policy Act. We may use images of individuals for news reporting purposes. However, if you believe that your image has been used without proper authorization or in violation of your rights, please follow the procedures outlined in this policy for reporting copyright infringement.

Our Response to Valid Notifications

Upon receiving a valid DMCA notification, we will promptly take action by removing or disabling access to the material that allegedly infringes copyright. Also, we will inform the user responsible for the content about the situation.

Repeat Infringers

CelebTribe.com has a strict policy regarding repeat copyright infringers. We will take appropriate measures in line with this policy and applicable legal provisions.

Policy Changes

CelebTribe.com may revise and update this DMCA policy periodically. Please check this page regularly for any changes.