“Sawal Anaa Ka Tha” is a Pakistani drama series currently airing on Aan TV in 2024. Directed by Dilawar Malik and written by Sana Zafar, the storyline revolves around relationship breakdowns. The primary cast features Sana Nawaz, Abbas Ashraf, and Areej Mohiyuudin. Discover the full cast and characters of the drama “Sawal Anaa Ka Tha,” including their real-life images and personal details.
Sawal Anaa Ka Tha Cast Name & Photo
Explore the full list of cast names and photos for the Aan TV drama “Sawal Anaa Ka Tha.” The series features a talented ensemble of main and supporting actors, including:
Abbas Ashraf as Usama
Up-and-coming Pakistani actor Abbas Ashraf portrays Usama in the drama “Sawal Anaa Ka Tha.”
Sana Nawaz as Dur e Nayab
Film and TV actress Sana Nawaz plays the role of Dur-e-Nayab in the Aan TV drama “Sawal Anaa Ka Tha.” She is 44 years old and divorced her husband Fakhar in 2022 due to family issues. Sana has two beautiful sons, Azi Imam and Rayaan Imam.
Adla Khan as Raima
Areej Mohyudin as Mirha
Shahjahan Rana as Jahangir
Mehreen Shah as Mahjabeen
Waseem Tirmazi as Shahzain
Bushra Gulfam as Farwa
Talat Shah as Asim
Sara Ejaz Khan as Hania
Sohail Sameer as Zaviyar
Saima Saleem as Samina
Dao Drama Cast Name And Photo – Geo TV