Sehar Khan has been making waves in the drama world. The talented actress is well-known for her impeccable performances in various television dramas. Recently, the beautiful Sehar Khan was seen wearing an elegant purple gown that made her stand out from the crowd.
Formally starting out with TV commercials, Sehar Khan has since then worked in a number of dramas. Her acting in the popular drama ‘Rang Mahal’ won her critical acclaim. Currently, she can be seen in Farq together with Faysal Quraishi, one of Pakistan’s most popular dramas.
The actress wore this dress to perfection, making her the center of attention. The purple gown complimented her fair complexion, and her makeup and accessories were minimal. Take a look!
We are sure that Sehar Khan’s fans are in awe of her beauty and style. We are also certain that the viewers of ‘Farq’ are eagerly waiting for the next episode to air.
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